A blog for web 2.0 exploration

Friday, April 11, 2008

webthing #10
As a digital non-native, my first impulse when contemplating TECHNOLOGY is to whine along the lines of: "sure all this new stuff is exciting and wonderful and useful but who has time to keep up with it?". OK, that's counter-productive. Let's see, at this moment in time, in my work and home life, I am most interested in two techy things: social networking and e-books. I have no personal interest in socializing online but as a library professional I know that there is a virtual world I need to learn about in order to be effective in my work. Already, by simply taking a few minutes each day to read NJYAC (New Jersey State Library Youth Services) listserve postings, I am benefitting from the ideas and knowledge of others in our field. So I need to explore the online communities of the library users I serve and want to reach out to. The development of e-book technology could benefit me personally as well as professionally. I listen to an average of about 10 titles per month via cassette and cd format plus about 12 per month in print format so I look forward to the day when a truly useable form of portable e-book reader is available. In the meantime, when I get my MP3 player and load it with books on sound files, I can stop juggling all those cassettes while I walk, and discs while I drive. Reader-bliss.

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